21 May 2008

Carry On Bloggage

I’m not especially fond of essays detailing trans-Pacific flights, especially if they include detailed descriptions of the gummy roast beef entrée or of the 2-year old incarnation of Linda Blair seated four rows in front of me, but really, I have always wanted to pull out my laptop in transit and pretend that I had something very important to do. So, I decided to write a blog entry as I enjoy the comforts of my personal entertainment system, which for me include an unlimited supply of ginger beer and rum and Gone With the Wind on video on demand…fiddle-dee-dee. We are fortunate enough to have a row of four seats between the two of us, which means we can take turns sprawling out and I can keep the flight path details on the screen next to me. Oh, and I see it is about time for the alternate title for my in-flight blog:

Crossing Over to Today

We boarded our flight at 2 pm on Wednesday, and now, all of a sudden, it is Midnight on Wednesday…a rare chance to live a day all over again. I think I shall spend the wee hours drinking rum and ginger beer and watching Technicolor movies. I am tired of my laptop now. Talk to you tomorrow.

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