15 March 2008

A Bad Ending to a Good Day

Splish! Splish! Splish! Splish!

Each step leaves a foot-shaped puddle of water that quickly reabsorbs into the hall carpet as I shuffle tired and grumpy into the kitchen to make coffee. I don’t think I ever fully appreciated the functionality of a bath tub overflow drain. Until now.

However, I do have a new appreciation for the genius of elevated floors, as the sight of water cascading down the sloped tiles that form the transition from bathroom to bedroom is indeed a beautiful sight, even if it did launch me into a complete frenzy of futile behaviors involving towels and a squeegee.

In the wake of last night’s flood, one might suppose I would have made peace with the unlikeable drain in my bathroom floor. Unfortunately, I keep it covered with a bath mat. While this does prevent the intermittent discharge of disagreeable odors, it renders it completely useless as an escape route for the 30+ minutes of forgotten bathwater that breached the confines of the bathtub while I was immersed in the ‘absolute final last director’s cut, and I really mean it this time, unless I run out of money or think of something else I can do to ruin an otherwise perfectly lovable movie’ version of Bladerunner.

Sydney is a particularly moldy city. Fortunately, the humidity of summer has eased somewhat in the last few weeks, so I am disproportionately hopeful that the bottoms of the closets will dry out before a thick growth of mildew takes root.

Note to self: Don’t store toilet paper on the floor.

On the lighter side, Kevin and I discovered yesterday that we can walk to the beach! Granted, it is a 6.5 km 2 hour walk, but doable nonetheless. We might have done it quicker, but Military Road is lined with myriad interesting shops and restaurants, all of which required my scrutiny.

Balmoral Beach is a clean and quiet cove on Middle Head (not to be confused with North Head or South Head) in Sydney Harbour. This suits me well, as I can pretend I am swimming in the ocean only there are no dangerous waves or undertows. We picnicked on a low stone wall beneath a giant fig tree.

Nothing creates a feeling of belonging so much as running into someone you know in a remote location. As Kevin and I discussed the astronomical odds of seeing our friend Gerry on that beach, we did instead encounter one of his associates from work. Perhaps not unexpected, as he is known to frequently patrol that particular stretch of beach in search of accommodating skank, using his young children as bait.

Fortunately, a convenient bus route connects Balmoral Beach to our neighbourhood, thus sparing us the 6 km return walk. Regardless, I was in desperate need of a bath by the time we made it home…


Anonymous said...

If you think sydney is moldy, you would hate my city...haha
is that guy making "dragging noodles"? not sure whether I got the name right..

Anonymous said...

'Ello Audra,

Being new to this blogging business, looks like my comments made on a previous post didnt take..... maybe I should have signed up first?? :) Now it tells me that my password is invalid...so I'm going to post this as anon.

Anyways.....been a huge fan since day one! Since I have no life of my own, I love hearing about your adventures. You are a rare find as a friend and I will always find a way to keep in touch.

Sounds like you had a lovely day, sorry about the overflow....:(

Luv, Heidi

The Prof said...

Sorry about your flood, but your story has prompted me to remove the mat covering my floor drain as well. This does, however, once again pose the problem of how one deals with that smell that oozes up from deep down within the pipe...

Anonymous said...

@The Prof:


It kills the greeblies that make the smell, and then it cauterizes your smell receptors.

Anonymous said...

och, Audra! you have visited my favourite local beach and picnicked under one of my favourite trees on the entire earth! What are the chances?
Altho, re: that tree.
You must watch out for the birds who live in that tree.
Once, resplendent with hangover, I sat under that tree to enjoy the view and chow down on an egg roll. A bird let rip something vile above my head and it landed on my food.
My food. I shit you not.
I nearly vomited there and then.
It was truly arguably one of the most disgusting, revolting occurences of my life.
That tree represents a memory or two.

Author! Author! said...

I was just drawn to your karmic footprint there. Just as you are visiting so many of my favorite places!! It is freaky.

I got pooped on shortly after my arrival here. It's supposed to be good luck...but on my food?? with a hangover? Oh yeah, there would be some barfing!