02 September 2008

Whose Clock??

Because none of my 'real' friends will come visit me in Australia, I often invite complete strangers off the Internet to come stay with us. Last weekend we hosted Paula and her 8-year old daughter Vanessa, who were visiting Sydney from Toronto.

Whenever we are around children, Kevin scrutinizes my every move looking for signs of hormonal sea changes or evidence of regret for the most defining decision of my reproductive life. If I so much as coo at a baby, he often sulks violently, waiting for the backlash of remorse and maternal yearning that he believes will inevitably overtake my otherwise appeased disposition. I've grown tired of reassuring him that he has had no influence whatsoever over my very personal choice regarding motherhood and am more than a little offended that he should think me so weak-willed in the first place. It's not like negotiating over which car to buy, where one is more apt to yield to the desires of the other, particularly in the face of one's own indifference - and shame on any one who has agreed to parenthood under such circumstances...Danny...in fact, I think he negotiated a child FOR a new car...or was it merely a dirt bike?

If you don't know me, and possibly even if you do, there is no way you will be able to visualize the expression of worried disbelief upon my face when The Baron of Bomburst turned to me as we were reading in bed and said "Gee, it's kind of nice having a little girl around. I really like her. It makes me feel nice to listen to her talk. We've never really been around children much. Maybe we should spend more time with them?"

Word of the Day: Flabbergasted.


Eddie said...

I gotta say - there is NO confusion in the matter. For generations our government officials have been wrapping the day to day duties in religion. Yes, i'[m responding to a non-existent post.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Perhaps he was just testing the water for your reaction, hoping to get a bite?

Author! Author! said...

Eddie - I'm not so concerned about the government invoking a little religion. I was thinking more about voters who cannot differentiate genuine morality from manipulative rhetoric...voters who believe religious conformity is a qualification for leadership.

C.A. - no, he was genuinely charmed. She was very sweet. Nothing an episode of 'Little Angels' couldn't cure.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow...and here I was thinking she was being too chatty talking your ears off LOL

Honestly, I could tell you both took a genuine interest in her, what she was doing and what she had to say. It was really nice.

Again, I want to thank you for taking these complete strangers from the internet (lol) into your home for a few days.

We enjoyed our stay and meeting you both.

Anonymous said...

A new car or a dirt bike for a child. All I ever got was laid.

The Prof said...

I am happy to loan you our 2 1/2 year old for a few days to remind you both about the peace and quiet that we miss so much!!

Anonymous said...

It's Baron Bomburst, not "of". I rule over Vulgaria. (aka St Leonards) And I should have went for the car when it was parked down at the rocks.

Author! Author! said...

My little choochie face!