30 August 2008

The Octopus

One of my favorite aspects of living in the world class city that is Sydney is the accessibility of artists who would otherwise never cross cultural my radar. Last night, I saw one of the most challenging performances I have ever witnessed, and by that I mean it was difficult for me, as a member of the audience, to experience. By the end of the show I was emotionally exhausted, my sensory perception strained to the edge of my tolerance.

Grant Collins is billed as a ‘one man percussion orchestra”, a phrase that completely understates the spatial-temporal complexity of his music. I don’t usually think of drums as ‘musical’ instruments – in my mind they are more like the skeletal framework that supports a harmonic structure. However, under the command of his remarkable neural network, the 80+ pieces of his drum kit produce the range and interwoven subtlety of a full symphony.

In between songs, cheeky, energetic and perhaps a bit scattered, he attempted to explain the science and methodologies behind his performances. I was quite excited to hear him discussing neuronal plasticity and hippocampal pathways, but I was completely unable to comprehend what it meant to play a rhythm in 9/16. I did understand that he is able to control each of his limbs in a different time – such that one foot plays 2, the other plays 3, while one arm does 5 and the other 7, but when I tried to observe that knowledge during his performance, my mind spun out of control as each limb blurred into an independent cacophony of movement.

It often requires all of my mental capacity to get each my limbs to do the same thing at the same time.


Chloe Sparkle said...

Holy crap! That's some kind of savant there. 9/16, which I've never come across, means the are 9 beats in a measure and the beat is 16th notes. So instead of your standard count of 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & you get 1 e & a 2 e & a 3 counted out as 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. Wackiness! It must have been funky!

Heidi said...

Hey Audra... Sounds like you were mesmerized by the show. Gotta love shows like that!

Hey....Did Chloe by any chance attend that Burning Man fest in Nevada?? I never met your sister, but know about her via San Diablo and the various links, and wondered if that was something she and her husband attended. Sounds like an eclectic gathering of artsy people. The fire dancers are what reminded me of her for some reason.

I am big on crocheting and think its so cool that she owns a knit store. Knitting is something I've wanted to try but havent gotten around to it....not like I dont have any free time on my hands....
Just wanted you to know.... :)

Anonymous said...

my god. i have enough trouble just walking down the street...full marks to the human occie. crikey.