03 April 2008

By Request

Dedicated reader Darcie made a cultural inquiry as to the offensiveness of the euphemism 'beaver' in regards to female genitalia. Lest you worry about what odd thoughts occupy the mind of my dear friend, know that her curiosity was prompted by the following commercial recently yanked from the airwaves here in Australia, and now making quite a stir in the blogosphere:

My extensive research (I asked three Australian women and one Chinese man) yielded the conclusive conclusion that Audra has the uncanny ability to embarrass the crap out of Chinese men. However, the women were agreed that in no way were they offended by the term 'beaver', though it is not a term they employ in their daily vocabulary (perhaps because there are no beavers in Australia?). Indeed, as far as I can gather from the blog chatter, the only thing offensive about this commercial is the Americanization of Australian advertising - though I cannot imagine an American tampon commercial referring to feminine anatomy as "down there", much less comparing it to a small river dwelling rodent renowned for its ability to fell trees with its teeth. (Please note the tremendous restraint I am applying in avoiding any tongue in cheek remarks about damming the flow. If you are disappointed by my reticence, I suggest this.)

In truth, Australians are offended by very little, apart from the Americanization of their culture, particularly through the influence of television and movies. The disdain for American advertising is exemplified by a recent commercial in which a team of bank directors have hired an American ad agency to promote their home loans. The American agency comes up with a garish and obnoxious campaign which visibly nauseates the bank directors and clearly pins the blame for rising interests rates here on the US. (Australians love to blame the US for every little thing that goes wrong with the world and the economy. As if there was no such thing as predatory lending here...and that is not even considering that ALL mortgages are variable rate to some degree - currently ~9.4% following 12 consecutive rate hikes. Oh, and home mortgage interest is not a tax deduction. But I digress.) In the end, the bank opts for a plainly spoken under-statement about the quality of their home loans.

Oddly, Australians vocally welcome other immigrants to bring their traditions to the cultural potluck. They are keen to attend festivals hosted by Africans, Indians, Italians, Chinese, and others, but any attempt to recognize the pleasures associated with Halloween or the Fourth of July are met with harsh criticism. (OK, you know I am joking about the Fourth of July, right? I hope?) The Australian media loves to ramble on about how the American media (in the broadest sense of the word, not just news outlets) has contaminated so many facets of Australian culture that the nation is losing its uniquely Australian identity as evidenced by 1) drastic changes in vocabulary - particularly lamented is the decline in the use of colorful Australian colloquialisms such as "A bit more choke and you would have started", 2) diminishment of the Australian accent - blamed wholly on movies and The Simpsons (I think there is a Simpsons Channel on Foxtel), and 3) results of a recent poll that showed a surprising number of young people believe that in an emergency they should dial 911 (here, it is triple zero).

In NO way am I attempting to defend the drivel churned out by American movie studios or the rancid television shows that play to the lowest common denominators of society (BTW, since living here, I have realized that many of my least favorite TV shows are actually rip offs of crappy British shows, but when Australia rips them off, they tend to overlook that fact.) I am the first to admit that the US does not show well in our exported media, but here they make it sound as if there is some evil American machine with an agenda to assimilate their very being. Turn off your bloody televisions, ya wankers. You don't have to watch it!

This seething dislike for American culture clearly stems from the Tall Poppy Syndrome so inherent to Australian values, and perhaps the one facet of their culture that will not, can not be dissolved by American influences. I don't think Australians appreciate how much America really, really likes them. Ask any American and they are sure to express their desire to visit Australia. We are absolutely charmed by you. I am formulating an analogy of our countries based on two brothers - the older one who defied his parents strict rules and left home at 18, struck out into the world to become a free and wild success while the younger one stayed home and cared for the frail aging parents, and who, although successful in his own right, actively cultivates resentment for the carefree recklessness of his older brother. (For a wonderful and more detailed treatment of this fascinating subject, I recommend The United States vs Australia.)

As a follow-up question to my elaborate survey, I enquired about the existence of a uniquely Australian euphemism for female genitalia. But I reckon it is pretty difficult to come up with a clever ad campaign for tampons based on the Map of Tasmania.


Jan said...

The flow of modern American culture is directed by the Aussie Rupert Murdoch. Perhaps Austrailians find the blending of the two cultures incestuous.

Anonymous said...

perhaps because there are no beavers in Australia?

Am I, perhaps, permitted a snigger? Just a little one?

Author! Author! said...

An interesting observation. Australia is quite willing to adopt popular celebrities as their own children - Nicole Kidman was actually born in Hawaii, although she grew up here. But the opposite seems to be true for Rupert. Despite the fact that he has tremendous influence here as well, they seem to consider him to be part of the evil American machine.

Author! Author! said...

You may snigger at will.

Dan Kasch said...

Once again, we are ahead of the curve here in Oregon. We take care of our own, and we, in fact, have more than one. This is after all, the BEAVER State. There are 20,000 BEAVERS in Corvallis alone...well, maybe 30,000 if you do the math differently. No one, absolutely no one, would joke about something so profound or deeply imbeded in our culture as is the BEAVER. If they would be appreciated, we could send some BEAVERS to Australia on an exchange program. Perhaps you could send us some of those RAPING WOMBATS we've heard so much about, then I could speak mo bettah Australian.

Author! Author! said...

Indeed, Oregon is the only place where I have seen a beaver in the wild.

Anonymous said...

It was presented here in the states as feminist outrage but in Oz it is a cultural thing. Very interesting. I just thought the animated beaver checking out men at the beach was cute and wanted to take advantage of you as a cultural advisor. So happy to help you embarass the poor Chinese man. Anytime I can help you know I am there for you.

I know there are no beavers in Oz but come on, you have platypus.


Author! Author! said...

Platypussys are cool! Though much smaller than most people imagine.

I liked that commercial so much, I am going to start buying that brand of tampon. My beaver deserves the total indulgence that comes from shoving a wad of cotton down its throat!

Anonymous said...

We Aussies dismiss Rupert as an evil foreigner because that's what he is, to many of us. In the 1980s, when he wanted to expand his American holdings and the only way he could do so was by taking out US citizenship, he did so - and this was in the days before dual citizenship was allowed. So he essentially made the decision to abandon his Australian citizenship in order to make money. This fact is in the background of the way a lot of (especially older) Australians think about Murdoch.

Author! Author! said...

I think a lot of people in the US would like to dismiss him too. Can we send him back? Better yet, let's send him to France!

Anonymous said...

I was going to add a comment just to get the comment count up into double digits but now I don't have to.

The Prof said...

It's so hard to avoid the long arms of Rupert Murdoch here in Oz. His corporation owns most of the major newspapers, the major satellite/cable system, the only cable news channel devoted to Oz, the "Simpsons," and probably even Weebix, although I am not sure about the last one...

Anonymous said...

Murdoch is powerful and loathed in the UK as well. It's not just an AUS/USA thing.

Also...have you been to Europe lately? You will find far more anti-Americanism there than in AUS. I'm pretty sure Canada has it too.

Author! Author! said...

I'm glad to know Murdoch is universally disliked. It seems that he is the embodiment of everything despicable about lousy programming and scare-mongering journalism, yet people tune in and buy his papers in droves - even while they complain about it...may be my resident social neuroscientist would like to comment on why humans seek out information and activities that we know are upsetting and then revel in our discomfort with indignant protests??

Also, I know America's image is in dire condition throughout the world - and there is no defending it, outside of deep-seeded feelings of loyalty and patriotism. Some really bad leadership has made some really bad decisions that have had some horrendous consequences...and somehow, this all loops right back around to Rupert Murdoch and the way in which American media manipulated public sentiment with fear and moral outrage into hiring an evil administration that had very intention of raping the middle east as well as the middle class.

I might need to split this into another entry...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Murdoch is in bed not only with the political class in the US (Hillary and the GOP) but also with Blair. He just caters to the lowest common denominator in taste and the highest in financial wealth.

Financially, he has been hugely successful, of course. But this does not endear him to Australians. (Tall Poppy? - or just disgust at his ethos.)

Kwirkie said...

I have not even noticed that the ad has been pulled to be honest but here is another ad to add fuel to the fire... http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,23513172-5012980,00.html

Author! Author! said...

"You said you wanted a cockatoo,
To keep you entertained.
When I learned what you had in mind,
I knew you was deranged."

-CW Stoneking

Anonymous said...

Wow that is funny. I wish I could get my wife to agree to move there.