26 February 2007

Not quite clear on the concept

Yesterday, while speaking over the phone with a close friend (who shall remain nameless, though of course she would know who she is - IF she ever read my blog, but since I know she cannot be troubled by the effort of dragging her eyes over print, I am not hesitant to talk about her here) she asked,

"Where's Kevin?"

"He's at work. It is Monday afternoon here."

"Oh yeah...so did you watch the Oscars last night?"


Eddie said...

As a conspiracy theorist, I find it interesting that Oz found out about JFKs assassination a day early. BEFORE it happened... oooOOooOOoo... If i only had a brain.

Author! Author! said...

Yeah, if only I'd been poised last Tuesday, I could have saved myself a lot of money in the stock market...

Anonymous said...

OK I was a little outside my normal scope of thought. I understand the concept now