31 October 2008

For The Birds

Perhaps one of the most redeeming feature of the Australian landscape is the avian tableau. The variety of exotic, if not somewhat cacophanous bird life almost compensates for the relative homogeneity among mammals. I've already dribbled on at length about the joys of Rainbow Lorikeets, Flocks of Wild Cockatoos, and Bemused Kookaburras, but I have yet to elaborate on the charms of Magpies. A Pomme friend once lamented on the dearth of songbirds in Australia, declaring that most native birds merely squawk. While their calls might not compare to the sweet notes of a starling, I find comfort in their soft warble, which reminds me of wooden wind chimes.


Anonymous said...

Is there an echo in here?

Is there an echo in here?

The Prof said...

I thought your double-posting might be some sort of test. I obviously failed it, as I can't see what's different in the two paragraphs...

Author! Author! said...

Oh, is that what Richard was talking about! (I never know half the time anyway.)

Sorry, 'bout that. I was having some html issues with the video feed and I must have got lost in the copying and pasting.