19 May 2007

Dear 24,

You are truly blessed to have such happy and vivacious children who wake up with so much energy and enthusiasm – and such early risers, too! Perhaps some day you will be fortunate enough to have a house of your own, where your children can run and wrestle freely in the open air of your yard.

Until that day, you have the extraordinary opportunity to teach them valuable lessons about the behavioural compromises inherent to cooperative living in a high density apartment block. Take the time to explain to them that other people (who might live below you) work very hard during the week and probably look forward to the vital luxury of sleeping late (let’s say maybe…9 O’Clock?) on Sunday mornings. This will help your children cultivate an admirable sense of empathy, awareness, and social responsibility, and these qualities will help make the world a better place for everyone.

Sincere Regards,



Anonymous said...

Whining Audra -

Did you send this note of concern to the inhabitants of apartment 24? Perhaps you could retire early on Saturday evenings in order to enjoy an extra hour or two of sleep when arising Sunday morn.

Kimo K

Author! Author! said...

It's "whingeing", and no, I did not send it to the occupants. It is enough to vent into the ethersphere. Besides, I'm sure their parents wish they could sleep in, too.

Going to bed early (and indeed, I DO go to bed early) is not at comparable to the joys of sleeping late, especially in the winter months when it is pleasant to linger under the warmth of my comforter rather than bracing myself against the frosty air that envelopes the interior of my poorly sealed apartment at 5:45 am. It is bliss to slip in and out of the special REM sleep that only visits in the post dawn hours.

But without fail, every weekend morning, from overhead comes thump Thump THump THUmp THUMp THUMP - THUMP tHUMP thUMP thuMP thumP thump.

And by some sad misfortune of my personal karma, on the days when I simply succumb and get up early, making silent promises to myself of a nap later in the day, they always seem to return for lap-practice, jumping off of their bedroom furniture, just as I lay down once more - little buggahs!

Maybe I could pay them to go chase rabbits...or eat the free carrots...

Anonymous said...

If it's bothering you, go talk to them. Most parents would want to know if their kids are disturbing others. I know I would. Look at it as an excuse to meet the neighbours. :)

The Prof said...

Speaking of those rabbits...have you seen come across any cute corpses yet?

Here's hoping that the residents of 24 take a long holiday soon.

Author! Author! said...

I have not yet found any dead bunnies, but then I have not especially gone in search of...perhaps they stumble back to their warrens to die. Regardless, I am relieved that the field is not littered with fuzzy corpses. Indeed, there seems to be no appreciable lessening of the population whatsoever.

Author! Author! said...

Actually, we tried a boat hook to the ceiling. The results were unsatisfactory.