23 April 2010

So Gentlemen, Deal Me Out - Do Not Try to Feel Me Out

It comforts me to imagine that the entire Department of Pharmacology is waking up with a collective headache this morning after last night’s farewell party. At least I am not waking up with three broken ribs, like someone I know.  Oh the high cost of chivalry.

Perhaps no single word in the human lexicon carries the weight of so much love as the word “goodbye”. It is an unfortunate aspect of emotive biology that we so often neglect to recognize and appreciate genuine fondness and camaraderie until the pressure of imminent departure squeezes deep felt emotions to the surface, where they are aired awkwardly – unless fueled by copious volumes of wine, beer, and handmade pretzels. Expressions of affection and gratitude roll off purple tongues most easily.

Neither are hangovers conducive to articulation of complex emotions. Therefore, do not expect me to blather on about how much I have enjoyed spending time with my colleagues, how much fun it has been working with the students and watching them blossom into free-thinking miniature scientists, or how very special everyone made me feel yesterday - or how sad I am to be leaving all of the wonderful people I have befriended over the last three years.

Besides, saltwater really mucks up my keyboard.

I guess I should drag my defended honor out of bed and make my poor shining knight some fried potatoes to wash down his panadeine.


Elsja said...

Dare I ask... HOW did he end up with 3 broken ribs?

Author! Author! said...

No, that's not the point of the story. He is suffering enough.

Anonymous said...

You've captured complex emotions so eloquently! I feel teary just reading it (except for the part about the man's ribs, which actually made me laugh).

CAW xxxxxx