29 December 2009

Notes From America - Consumer Price Index

Yesterday I went to the grocery store and spent one-hundred and twenty-eight dollars on cheese and tampons, indisputable evidence that the “economic down turn” (sounds ever so much more benign than “Global Financial Crisis”) is indeed real – as if it wasn’t obvious from the number of boarded up business, the decrease in rush hour traffic, and the overwhelming cloud of anxiety that seems to hang over most everyone I have encountered during the last ten days here in California.

Now, I have purposely mislead you into thinking that inflation is spiraling out of control here in the colonies, but in fact, the price of goods and services have dropped considerably since my last visit a year ago. Just as travelers to Australia spend a good percentage of their time gasping at the price of avocados and milk, so too have Kevin and I been shrieking with delight at the price of meat and mayonnaise.

So, in the face of slashed consumer prices, how, pray tell did I manage to spend $128 on cheese and tampons??

Because a super market in America is like a proverbial candy store. I adore strolling up and down each aisle, fondling all the exotic ingredients and evocative products which are unavailable in Australia, marveling at the array of salsa sauces, gasping at the selection of macaroni and cheese varieties, and ultimately, wetting myself over the price of beer, wine, and vodka – yes, that’s right, beer, wine and vodka right there in the grocery store!

Which, to any astute reader, will immediately explain how I managed to spend $128 on cheese and tampons.

Yesterday I bought a 6-pack of 6.2% lager for $2.99! With prices like that, I could balance my entire monthly budget and ride out the recession in perfect inebriation – albeit with a decidedly pinched look on my face!


Anonymous said...

USA is a paradise for consumers but purgatory for those needing guaranteed, affordable education, health care etc. Swings and roundabouts - take your pick.

Oz, contrary to what some would believe, makes it a priority to make health (current example, free and universal swine flu shots) easily available and not beer.

Choose your poison. Compared to most OECD (and even other) countries now, USA is cheap - get over it.

rpg said...

I recommend the Oyster Bay, BTW.

rpg said...

Hah. Try getting pneumonia with complications in Australia. My treatment was neither cheap nor easy to get.

Author! Author! said...

Thanks for responding to that Richard...I couldn't be bothered arguing with someone who clearly didn't understand the point of my essay.

One of these days, I will write an extensive essay about health care and I am sure it will get quite heated, health care being such an emotional issue here in America!