10 June 2007

The Long wee-KEND

I just wanted to put out a shout to Her Majesty. Happy Birthday, Lizzy - even though it was actually sometime back in April, and I have no idea why we are celebrating now. Nonetheless, I am grateful that you made it another year, because I really needed a day off, and because I am not looking forward to having your son's horse face all over the money. Maybe that will be just the incentive the Australian people need to push the Republican agenda.

Anyway, in honor of the anniversary of your birth, Kevin and I are going to go out for lunch - Next time you are in town, you should really stop by Ya-Habibi in Newtown. They make a nice felafel.




The Prof said...

What happens when she dies? Does it become the King's birthday holiday then, or will they pick another day to celebrate his? Or perhaps you're right about the whole Republic thing...

outoutout said...

Yeah, I have no idea why the Queen's "official" birthday is in June - even the Wikipedia entry is kinda vague. But whatever, bring it on if it gets us a public holiday! *g*

P.S. The Prof - yup, that's exactly how it works.

Eddie said...

Once you get to be as old as the Queen, her age gets to be more of a "feeling" than a number. For example, "I feel like she's been around forever."